Miklas Njor

User obstacles – paths and trees

Dont wall in the user

I think this is a good example of how people will always try to shortcuts, and as such you should not try to limit them in achieving their task. They want to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible.

In this case, there are two tracks in the park the next to each other and then devide. When choosing one or the other path, it is not obvious, that one of the them will have no exits until you reach the end of the . The other track, however, has many exits, and it looks like people got tired of not being able to make an exit.

user paths 02
Hole in the fence. Christianshavn, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hole in the fence. Christianshavn, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Dont set up obstacles for the user

I saw this tree in Østeranlæg in Copenhagen and it's kind of strange that the tree has engulfed the wire fence, which doesn't look to be even remotely as old as the tree. How long has it been here?

Tree engulfs wire fence. Østre anlæg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tree engulfs wire fence. Østre anlæg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tree engulfs wire fence. Østre anlæg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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