Tesla – On the Storebæltsbridge Miklas Njor 15 år ago Tesla groen Storebaelt Miklas NjorGreen tesla, by Storebælt in DenmarkPolitician Ida Auken, comedians Sebastian Dorset and Anders Breinholt, and Denmarks third hottest man, Christian Grau stand in front of a green Tesla sportscar on the island of Sprogø in Denmark, during the The Green Heart Charity Challenge.Peter Falktoft (front) and Carsten Elgaard (back) inside a Tesla sportscar during the The Green Heart Charity Challenge.Casper Elgaard infront of Tesla Sporstcar during the The Green Heart Charity Challenge.Carsten Elgaad, Ida Auken and Peter Falktoft during the The Green Heart Charity Challenge. BPL2635 BPL2623 BPL2586 BPL2619 BPL2614 BPL2638 BPL2979 BPL2605 BPL2628 BPL2587 BPL3081 BPL2648 BPL2988 BPL2384 BPL2652 BPL2646 BPL2641Share this:Læs også Poland - Kruszyniany Farm DogsTags: race, sportscar, tesla